what we do

Lifestyle coaching
for the woman who wants to step forward, in more ways than one! 

From coaching to education and products to community, you’ll find the encouragement you need to stop playing small and fully - and finally - engage!

I'm making it my personal mission to magnify the best in the women I encounter.

What started as a laser focus on all things self-care has blossomed into a desire for women to wake up and walk in all they were created to be. To truly love self is to truly know self.
And to truly know self is to know the One who created you in the first place.    
And here's what I know to be true: He created you for MORE. He desires for you to live loud, for Him. To step forward, for Him. To stop shrinking your beauty, your giftings, and your voice.
There's a special sauce that He only made one batch of...and, my friend, you've got it.
The world needs you to stop hiding and to show up.

If you're ready to seek, speak and soar, you're in the right place. 


The go-to podcast for ladies who want to talk about the in-between spaces (and feel zero shame doing so. Can I get an amen!?)

Through honest conversations, interviews, and more, Monique opens up a space to simply be, and encouragement for the ears that listen. 

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You are the main character of your story. The leading lady. But far too many women are hidden backstage - in the shadows, playing small, and shrinking back in areas of their lives - when what God has given them is needed in the world. Let's get curious about who's inside. Friend, now's the time to to step forward, scatter that glorious goodness and live bigger! 

Coaching women out of hiding...


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Whether it's a conversation, a coaching session, a product, or an event, our goal is the same: to partner with you to celebrate yourself and fully engage!

What we do...

as featured in:

For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Deep down, I knew there was MORE to life. Can you relate?  Turns out, I was right. There IS more to life. But it wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down that I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—The world needs what we have within us. What God's given each of us, uniquely, carries a power and an impact needed on Earth right now. It's time to take up your space...and I'm here to help!


- lorin s.

"Monique is like no one else I have met. She has insight that inspires, humor that lightens any mood, and a heart that truly loves people."

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Ready Set Book.
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Shake Up Your Self-Care!

it's not free coffee, buuut it'll basically give you the same energy burst

Download our FREE care toolkit & grab your day by the horns!
