Hi, I’m Monique
For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Can you relate? It wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down where I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—true connection comes from within your own story.
I know you. I know you want to bring the best version of yourself everywhere you show up. You want to belong, connect, and stand alongside those you care about.
But in the process of it all, it’s so easy to lose yourself.
It’s easy to put that to-do list first. To say yes to her, but not to you. And to slowly lose yourself in the process. I know what it’s like to have zero confidence in who I am or what I’m in this world to offer. And, I sure as heck passed up amazing opportunities because I was blind to the uniqueness within me.
Here’s the thing:
When we allow ourselves time for self love, we can love others better. By taking time for yourself, you’ll see other women in your circle who need some lovin’ up on, too.
Isn’t that so beautiful?