Self Care

I’m Taking the Comfy Side of the Couch

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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I had a really amazing conversation with my friend last week. She and I have these epic 3+ hour couch dates – or [word] vomit sessions, as we lovingly refer to them. We are both traveling down such similar roads of self-discovery and so, coming together to release our findings, our hang ups, and our challenges has become one of my favorite times to calendar. In our most recent afternoon together, we stumbled on the topic of belonging to ourselves and I read something I wrote in my recent journal entry. I said “this year, I don’t want to NOT belong to myself anymore.” 

And I meant it.

In this new year, I really want to honor myself in a way that I don’t think I ever have before. But I also want to stand up for myself and do what makes me feel great instead of putting sooo many other people’s comfort before my own. In the middle of a passionate conversation, she shared such a basic example, yet in that example, I felt so frickin’ seen. I have yet to shake the imagery from my brain and let’s be honest, I’ll likely reference it for at least the next 12 months. 

She said:

Does that hit anyone else the same way?

I put everyone else’s comfort before my own. Always. 

Walking through life, just abandoning myself left and right.

I stay giving up the comfy side of the couch even though I’d love to experience that luxury. And I deserve to experience that luxury!

So I’m taking up the comfy side of the couch in this new year (and beyond), damn it. #ComfyCouchCrew

I don’t know if you participate in the whole “word of the year” gig – I’ve mentioned it many times and have been implementing a word into my year since 2018. NEXT WEEK, I’ll be sharing my word of the year and how I landed on it (→by the way, if you think it’s a lengthy process, please know I selected my word 3 days before I shared it for the first time. When you know, you know.) It’s one of the words I’m MOST pumped about!

If you DON’T participate in WOTY, or if you haven’t yet, I’m challenging you this week to really lean in to finding a word, or a verse, or a theme for this new year that you can really anchor to. No goals or resolutions necessary. If you have a difficult time doing this, or you feel overwhelmed by it all – or maybe you just don’t know how to get started – would you email me and let me know? I have a few resources in mind, but before I spin my wheels putting some fun, free downloads together, I’m curious of the interest.

Wishing you all a beautiful new year and praying that this week would be kind to you, as you ease back to your schedules and daily routines. Big hugs xx

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Hey, I'm Monique.
Your new BFF + the hype-woman you've been praying for.

For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Deep down, I knew there was MORE to life. Can you relate? Turns out, I was right. There IS more to life. It wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down where I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—The world needs what we have within us. What God's given each of us, uniquely, carries a power and an impact needed on Earth right now. It's time to take up your space, girlfriend. And I'm here to help!

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I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."
— Virginia Woolf