Self Care

Why you trippin’, bro?

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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Gimme that

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The last 8 weeks have been a whirlwind.

A complete and utter whirlwind.

July was a month where BOLDNESS reigned supreme. A boldness that healed relationships, sparked new ones, pushed me into new roles, created space for me at new tables.

A whole lot of boldness….a whole lot of newness.

When I hit August, I realized just how impactful those bold steps were and the month was heavy with the MOVEMENT I’d prayed for much of the pandemic. Movement of heart, movement in jobs, movement in travel.

A whole lot of doors closing…a whole lot of new ones opening.

The close of August whisked me off to Nashville for a trip that, well…I still haven’t quite wrapped my brain around yet. (I guess when I do, that recap will come). But we’re a few days into September and I can’t help but feel incredibly overwhelmed by this uncomfortable feeling I’m associating with change.

Yeah, I think that’s going to be September’s anchor: CHANGE.

The change in roles, change in relationship dynamics, change in priorities.

Gosh, just typing that makes my eyes water. Because I’m torn in the middle when it comes to change. Like, I love it. I want it. I pray for it. But I also hate it and when it comes, and it doesn’t come in the way I saw it, I fight against it. It’s uncomfortable, but necessary. It’s challenging, but developing. In some instances – especially right now – the change that’s good for me isn’t always good for others. And vice versa. Gosh, the need-meeter in me, the people pleaser, wants so desperately for that not to be the case.

Last week, at a Thursday night church service, our pastor (shoutout to Pastor Mario!) gave a brief encouragement before service and he talked about God’s faithfulness. He told a short story about how, when he finds himself overwhelmed with the little things, he imagines God saying to him, “why you trippin’, bro? I got this.” Ahhh, I did my best keeping it together on the outside, but maaan, did my spirit need to hear that on the inside. 

The whole drive home that night, I kept thinking: “Why AM I trippin? Why do I find myself overwhelmed with worry? Why is change so hard for me?”

And those questions have followed me the last few days.

I don’t have the answers. If you were hoping to get to the bottom of this rant and find some inspirational encouragement, I’m sorry. I can only nudge you to imagine God saying these very words to you – “why you trippin’, bro? I got this.” – and seeing what it stirs up within you. 

Whatever you’re going through.

Whatever change is occurring in your life.

Whatever difficulty you’re facing.

Whatever worry you keep finding on your mind.

When I begin to worry my mind (especially with negative outcomes), I remind myself that God is good, He uses it ALL for good in the end and HE has orchestrated change in our lives on/for purpose.

When I’m trippin’ on new roles and responsibilities and feeling like I’m failing at them, I remind myself that HE put me in those new roles and responsibilities and HE will provide. He always has.

When I begin to fall into “performer mode,” I remind myself that I don’t need to perform or prove anything to anyone. I do what I do to please HIM.

When I’m trying sooo hard to figure out the future – and missing everything the present moment has for me, I remind myself of HIS faithfulness and the beauty in the plans HE orchestrates. It’s better than my little mind will ever comprehend and I want to be aware of every small detail within my story.

So that requires my attention in the present moment.

“Why you trippin, bro? i got this.”

It’s been an awesome way for me to shift my own thoughts and remind myself of God’s faithfulness. Yesterday. Today. And tomorrow. 

In a season of ridiculous change, He’s my only constant.

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Hey, I'm Monique.
Your new BFF + the hype-woman you've been praying for.

For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Deep down, I knew there was MORE to life. Can you relate? Turns out, I was right. There IS more to life. It wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down where I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—The world needs what we have within us. What God's given each of us, uniquely, carries a power and an impact needed on Earth right now. It's time to take up your space, girlfriend. And I'm here to help!

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I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."
— Virginia Woolf