Self Care

100 Gifts from 2019

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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The final day of 2019. Seriously, guys, where did the year go? I find myself looping in this cycle of nostalgia trying to search phone messages, texts, emails and IG stories to help recap the year. On one hand, I’m sooo ready for a new year. Like so, so ready. C’mon, a new decade? All of the anticipation of a fresh start? Who wouldn’t be running after that?

But in hindsight, 2019 actually didn’t wreck me as much as I gave it credit for. It was highly emotional. And hard. And relationally challenging. But there was actually A LOT of beauty in the last year. A lot of fruit. A lot of growth. And better yet, a lot of “cultivation.” <— word for 2019! For that, I’m grateful. Let’s have some fun this New Year’s Eve and spend some time recapping our gratitude moments from the past year. It’s a nice little time capsule and also just puts our hearts in a really welcome posture to receive 2020. Here are 100 of my greatest gifts from the past 12 months (in no particular order):

  • StudioMo. 2019 brought my very first “she-shed…” my playground and one of my favorite spaces to create.

  • Creative @ Heart Round 9. Read HERE for more on that one.

  • The official launch of LoveMo in November.

  • An introduction and initial conversation with Kelsea from Kindly by Kelsea. There’s no doubt she’ll be a 2020 highlight, but she’s already rattled my brain (in the BEST way) for LoveMo’s rebranding in the coming months! So thankful to have crossed paths (thanks, Creative @ Heart!)

  • Jess XO. Need I say more? One glance at her page and yea, you’ll fall in love too. This is the word QUEEN, y’all. What a gift.

  • To all of the online workshops I participated in this year (Rachel Allene, Jenna Kutcher, Jasmine Star, Laura Foote…)…THANK YOU! Just, thank you!

  • I sponsored my first conference!

  • My blog is growing and soaking up all of the goodness on my heart.

  • I recorded my first podcast interview! Stay tuned!

  • Heather Dodge, you are a gift, my friend. You answered the call and totally knocked my socks off with your design for my sponsor gifts for C@H. Still can’t thank you enough!

  • ALL of the C3 Cherish Nights that continue to fuel my desire to provide an atmosphere of fellowship AND fun in ministry for women.

  • Hearing Isaiah’s Cry for the first time @ Floodgate. Cue ALL. THE. TEARS.

  • Robert Madu’s FIRE word @ C3 Church. So timely. So necessary. So for me.

  • Kanye West’s Jesus is King album. Guys. Kanye West released an album about Jesus. Kanye FREAKIN’ West! What a gift to us all, both artistically and as such a perfect example of redemption.

  • I had the privilege of seeing the Elevation Worship, Hillsong Worship, and Bethel Worship teams live in San Diego.

  • Kingdom Life. 10 weeks of greater intimacy with the Lord and a honing in on gifts, talents, and purpose. A pretty impactful time.

  • Seeing Rick Warren preach. Yep, totally ran out of paper on that one. Note to self – Saddleback Church = BRING. YOUR. JOURNAL.

  • I overcame fear, speaking publicly at my PST Commissioning ceremony in May.

  • I experienced my church’s At The Movies series at all 5 of their campuses. Can I just say…I would make an amazzzing judge Rock Church, just sayin…

  • Thankful for all the good eyebrow days. Can I get an amen?

  • Two of my blog posts were published online! Check them out HERE!

  • Social Squares. Oh Social Squares…I didn’t realize how much I love you and need you until I didn’t have you.

  • Being too scared to approach C@H friends/speakers, but sharing encouragement via email post-conference. Better late than never, I always say.

  • EuroTrip. Recap to come. I’m totally still reeling.

  • Koko finally says “MoMo”… clearly and often! Melts my heart every single time.

  • Fondly remembering all of the shed renovation parties with the family. That little home of mine has been such a pillar of unity.

  • Thankful for a brother who will fix your brake pads when necessary.

  • Mom & Dad and their enthusiasm and encouragement for LoveMo. Totally lights a fire within me!

  • The last 2.5 months with my brother’s pup, Dutch. Now that she’s gone and back with her dad, I’m missing her like mad.

  • My mama turned 60!

  • Ahh, those monthly Mani/Pedi dates with Mama #SelfCare

  • Binging on The Office with my brother – Did we leave off on Season 6 or Season 7? Hmmm…

  • FINALLY, someone I can relate to – Koko has hair just like Auntie Mo. Mixed Chicks buddies!!!

  • Eternally grateful for my dGroup. There are simply not enough words.

  • And their hubbies. They share their wives with me more than I could ever ask for or desire, and I’m just so grateful for them.

  • Emily Kurth, you didn’t think I forgot about you, did I? You inspire me every single day.

  • Hosted my first retreat! More to come in 2020!

  • Completely spoiled rotten on “LoveMo Day,” the affectionate title of my first ever photo shoot outing!

  • Put together my first Friendsgiving event.

  • Shed countless tears from all of the encouragement spoken, emailed, and text over my phone.

  • Experienced a season of such FRUITFUL friendship after many really difficult years of, what felt like, drought and/or pruning in this area of life.

  • Andrea’s cookies

  • The fusion of photographer friends, makeup artist friends, stylist friends. I’m one spoiled woman!

  • Queen & Lou…there are a million and one words inside of my gratitude for you.

  • Perks of having foodie friends – I tried almost two dozen new restaurants this year.

  • SB – Thanks for what you highlighted in me this year. You taught me A LOT.

  • Wines & Cheeses in the vineyards of Baja (Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California)

  • Tacos & Birria in TJ (Tijuana, Mexico)

  • All that is Magnolia (Waco, Texas)

  • Au Pan de Chocolat and lattes in Parisian Cafes (Paris, France)

  • Fries & Mayonnaise? Only in Amsterdam (Netherlands)

  • Discovering Pink Gin & Tonics (Cheshire, United Kingdom)

  • Hilton celebrated 100 years.

  • Black Currant & Clotted Cream Ice Cream from the Royal Dairy Farm (Windsor Castle)

  • Riding the London Eye 20 years later.

  • Slumber Parties & Staycations to pray in the new year.

  • An introduction to the Bachelor / Bachelorette. Thanks, puzzle pieces!

  • Watching Tony Tone Toni and DW3, live on stage.

  • Rachel Hollis’ Made for More Movie – what a way to kick your new year off into high gear.

  • Thankful for the WhatsApp & IG voice messaging features!

  • Dr. Caroline Leaf who made dreaming happen again. Every day. 15 minutes.

  • Quick social media rundown with influencer-guru, Maggie B.

  • Dating Apps. Enough said.

  • OMG, the Dateline podcast. Best time “killer” in traffic. Get it?

  • I watched Eat. Pray. Love on the flight home from England. Great flick. Hated it the first time. The older you get, the more sense it all makes.

  • Free Solo. I’ve watched it 3 times since July. Chills.

  • Cultivate Your Life podcast. It’s kinda like carrying around Powersheets in audio form.

  • Catalyst West 2019 and the overarching theme of mental health and self care. Such confirmation.

  • Always grateful for my RCSY family. #RollinDeep

  • The choir FINALLY reunited!

  • I discovered the Enneagram (thanks, Makenzie!) Where are all my 2’s at?

  • LYSL. If you know, you know. Changed my whole heart.

  • Counseling. One full year and it’s still wrecking me, in the best – and hardest – way.

  • Thankful for my health.

  • And my job. New companies, new faces, and yet the same desire for more. But grateful for where I am, however long it may be.

  • Not sure what the greater gift is – Joining the Powersheets gang or meeting Lara Casey in person. Hmm….

  • Oh the joy of new tires…

  • I cooked my very first turkey!

  • Grateful for all of the cars ahead of me at Starbucks who treated me, taking care of my orders.

  • SLEEP. This will forever be one of my most treasured gifts in life.

  • Seafood. Wait, who am I? I ate more sushi and ceviche this year than I think I ever have before. In life.

  • I took a break from serving in ministry. Unplanned. And unmeasured. But needed.

  • I Marie Kondo’d my closet.

  • New system at work which is already more streamlined and making my life 19488402x easier each day.

  • Thank you, Lord, for my creativity. Thank you for what it produces. Thank you that it never seems to run dry. And thank you for what you continue to dream up on my heart even when my brain hasn’t fully caught on.

  • Grateful for PATIENCE. Personal patience. Job patience. Co-worker patience. Family patience. Ministry patience. Purpose patience. Patience with it all.

  • For what rejection continues to teach me.

  • A home with heat, and lights, and food…

  • For conflict and the ways in which it directs me back to Jesus.

  • The Live Focus setting on my camera. All of my friends think I’m a professional photographer.

  • Ricciee’s 8-Step skincare routine…when I can afford all of the products, I’ll hop on board with a more consistent schedule!

  • Whoa, those Succulent Bar gift boxes. Probably the cutest packaging I’ve ever seen with contents that WILL make you cry.

  • For all of the new babies that were prayed for this year – Hiroki (born in August), Camila (born in August), Santiago (debuting in January)

  • We spotted the multi-layer crepe cake. GOLD.

  • Tried rolled ice cream & boba for the first time. Anyone else think boba is pretty pointless? Chewy, flavorless gummy balls.

  • Grateful to see 33 years.

  • For Rachel Allene’s These Are The Days Mug, which just serves as a constant reminder to be present in the moment. One of the BEST mugs in my collection.

  • Gahhh, the Stress Relief Scent from Bath & Body Works. I have the body wash, the lotion, the candle, the room/pillow spray, the shower tablets…I just can’t get enough.

  • Time. It really is such a gift.

  • My emotions – y’all were on point this year.

What’s ONE thing you are most thankful for in 2019?

Praying a spirit of reflection and gratitude over you today and wishing you a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR celebration!

Until next year, friends!

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Hey, I'm Monique.
Your new BFF + the hype-woman you've been praying for.

For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Deep down, I knew there was MORE to life. Can you relate? Turns out, I was right. There IS more to life. It wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down where I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—The world needs what we have within us. What God's given each of us, uniquely, carries a power and an impact needed on Earth right now. It's time to take up your space, girlfriend. And I'm here to help!

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I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."
— Virginia Woolf