
Biz Building | The Good, The Bad, The Grateful

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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“Where can I buy a box?”

The question I love to hate these days.
The question that both ignites the goal-getter inside of me but also the question that shames me into wanting to have it all together.

You know the saying “finding a job is a job in itself?” Well, building a business is a job in itself too. So where can you buy a box? Online! And it’s coming guys, it’s coming.

My dad often addresses me as “Oprah.” And has for years. He’s always believed I had this little mogul living inside of me. Flattering at the core, but talk about the pressure. Every time he referred to me as Ms. Winfrey, I either chuckled or ignored it. Can’t feed into it, Monique. It’s totally not true. Entrepreneurship was not for me. I didn’t want it. Never have. I was perfectly content letting someone else stress over the finite business details. I just wanted to be a creative addition.

I stumbled upon the hospitality industry after high school and discovered meeting and event planning. Eager to grow in a field I thought was destined for me, I gathered experience working in hotels and for private party and wedding planners, and producing trade show events. I clicked with event management. That little child who organized family dinners and arranged all the details of holiday traditions had met her match. I was born for this. I truly loved my career.

Until one day, I didn’t.
Until one day, something changed. And those long and stressful hours led me back into creativity. Creativity became my outlet. It felt like each company I moved to highlighted office politics, and the lack of joy amongst staff in the day to day work. There was a need for deeper connection and communication. And so, with each company I moved to, I found myself infusing my own creativity and morale boosts – not only to fill a need for the office, but to fill a need for myself.

That desire to share my creativity multiplied year after year. And in time, I found myself in a work place where others spoke into my gifts (literally and spiritually). It was only then that I started considering entrepreneurship. In the teensy-tiniest of ways. I didn’t want it for the money. I didn’t want it for the attention. I just felt an overwhelming need. And my heart connected to this need in such a special way.

When I discovered a community of creatives who built their businesses on overwhelming needs and with a foundation of heart, the wheels began to turn and LoveMo (niche-less and all) was birthed.

It’s been quite a journey since that revelation in 2016. As I sit in a spirit of reflection on just the last 5 months alone, I wanted to share my 3 highs and 3 lows of building a business…and just 3 things I’m super grateful for in this process.

1. DOING THINGS MY WAY: I’ve always been pretty adaptable in my working environments. I’m able to work alone, but also love collaborating in group settings as well (that totally sounds like the answer to an interview question!) I’ve been noticing the internal smile, these days, that accompanies any decision made based on my vision and direction of LoveMo. I get plenty of suggestions on how something should be done, what product to include, what I should wear for my headshot…and I smile. My response and direction is based solely on the assurance and confirmation of the vision and the dream that God planted on my heart. No one else can see it. No one else relates to it on the level that I do. So, as long as I continue to align my desires to that seed, will always make it easier to discern a yes idea from a no idea.

2. BLENDING STORY AND BRAND: My biggest takeaway of last year. Embracing my story. Developing my brand. The moment I understood that these two were heavily correlated and hardly independent of one another, is the moment of ease. Ideas flowed naturally. Joy sparked effortlessly. Passion ignited constantly.

3. EDUCATION: I am a life long learner. A total bookworm who LOVED school, went to summer school for fun, and misses sitting in class every single day. But the opportunity to continue acquiring knowledge and pouring into myself with information that I’ll actually use? Priceless. You know all those courses and topics we learned in high school that we haven’t used since? How frustrating! You have no idea how refreshing it is to soak in new knowledge and actually apply it towards your business practices and processes. And thanks to the Creative @ Heart community, I have enough on deck to keep me challenged year round.

1. DAY JOB: Every morning during daily chats with my mom, like clockwork, she says “I owe, I owe, it’s off to work we go.” (Seven dwarves tune) My 9-5 job. This is likely the biggest hurdle to launching a business. When I hear creatives talk about the days they used to sneak in idea planning and blogging during their breaks at work, that’s so real. I relate on such a deep level. I come home daily – DAILY – with at least 2 pages of typed notes – ideas, designs, verbiage, pricing, whatever. Finding time to unload the creativity is challenging, but right now, I NEED my 9-5. Mainly for point low #2.

2. $$$$$: MONEY. If I could just win the lotto. Or marry rich. Or have Sallie Mae call and release me from my student loan debt. Maaaan, any of the above would be amazing. This thing is expensive. Not only am I launching a product based business – which will require an inventory of actual products – I have space costs, equipment costs, marketing, branding, website, etc. And there’s definitely some type of Creative @ Heart chip that, like, rained down from “the cloud” and implanted itself into my heart when I registered for my first conference because, honestly, A-NY-THING that launches from that community (including all of its alumni), I want to buy. I pull up my budget and move some things around to figure out how I can squeeze it in, necessary or not. I’m obsessed with #allthethings.

3. PARTY OF ONE: I’m often reminded by my ever-growing to-do list that even though I have the best tribe ever (see gratitudes below!), I’m still a party of one. I’m still the one with all the ideas in her brain. I’m still the one with the dream on her heart. And until I’m able to fully and clearly express that with others, I’ll likely feel the weight of being that party of one. Can I get a few more arms? Octo-Mo, maybe?

Amidst the good, bad and ugly of entrepreneurship, I have found myself increasingly grateful lately. Making more intentional efforts to express my gratitude and truly remain humbled by these opportunities.

1. HI, MOM & DAD!: My parents, hands down, are two that I’m most grateful for. And as you learn more of my back story, you’ll understand why. Rachel Hollis recently talked about navigating relationships when dreamers and pragmatists are involved. I’m both. But when it comes to LoveMo, I’m a 1000% a dreamer. And for years, it felt like pulling teeth to get my parents on board with my big ideas. I desperately wanted their approval and encouragement, their insight. But they just didn’t get it. Two of the best things I did last year were 1) attend Creative @ Heart and 2) create mock LoveMo gift boxes for my family for Christmas. This allowed my family – and more specifically, my parents – to finally see my vision. To finally feel the impact of these gifts. To finally see that I was serious. And to finally encourage and support that dream of mine in a much needed way. Since that day, they have truly been two of my biggest cheerleaders. My dad keeps me on my toes, asking daily how many shipments we have going out the next day, knowing we’re still weeks away from our official launch. And my mom remains in perfect character, thriving behind the scenes, helping with the small, but impactful details, as well as something exciting that’s currently “under construction.” So Mom & Dad, if you’re reading this, I’m super duper thankful for you, today and every day. Love you!

2. TRIBE: My girls. You know exactly who you are. And gahhhh, the support you’ve blessed me with since sharing my vision has been nothing short of incredible. Overwhelming. Tank filling.

3. ALIGNMENT: I’m so stinkin’ thankful for all of the conversations, text messages, social media posts, sermons, signs and affirmations that align with the dream on my heart. Thankful for the ways God confirms my direction and cheers me on in those moments where I feel stagnant in my progress. He sends just the right things my way to connect all the dots. I feel it daily and am forever grateful that He makes time to make me feel known and ever so loved.

If you’re a business owner, or have the nudge on your heart to get started, I’d love to hear your highs and lows, fears and excuses, or just plain ol’ gratitudes. If I’ve learned one thing in this process, it’s that we don’t go at this thing alone.

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Hey, I'm Monique.
Your new BFF + the hype-woman you've been praying for.

For a long time I let certain parts of my story make me feel like I was never good enough. Deep down, I knew there was MORE to life. Can you relate? Turns out, I was right. There IS more to life. It wasn’t until I gave myself the gift of self care and slowing down where I realized one of the most mind blowing lessons of my life—The world needs what we have within us. What God's given each of us, uniquely, carries a power and an impact needed on Earth right now. It's time to take up your space, girlfriend. And I'm here to help!

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I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."
— Virginia Woolf