
Creative @ Heart Round 8 | Recap

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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This post is late.

I suppose a conference recap would be most appreciated immediately following a conference, right? At least that’s when the ideas would be fresh, the emotions still connected, and the anticipation ready to build for the next year. But let’s be honest, I was a total wreck after Round 8. In the best way, of course. My brain was completely under water when I left North Carolina. And it took daaays to process a thought. Well, “daaays” led me right into Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving lead right into Christmas, then New Years came. Before I knew it, we were starting the official countdown to the next holiday: the Creative @ Heart Round 9 Registration Launch.

Launch week rolled around and I started thinking about the recap I never finished. I started re-living the angst surrounding registration. I started thinking about the creatives across the country whose eyes were glued to Kat’s IG feeds and stories, just ready to pounce on her every word. I was that person. I still am that person. I was just as eager this year, if not more, than I was last year because Round 8 sold out in 3 hours. That’s a true testament to the demand for a conference like Creative. I knew that in 2019, I’d need to be 1000% confident in my decision to register and 1000% quicker pressing that button when 5:00pm PST rolled around.

As expected, Creative @ Heart Round 9 sold out.

And I snagged a seat for another conference.

But this isn’t about Round 9. This is about the Round 8 journey. About how those few days at Winmock last year affected my soul in a way that allowed my fingers to say “YES!!” to Round 9 before my brain even processed a single thought on it.

I’m still not sure it’s possible to properly share my heart on #CreativeAtHeartRound8. While I’ve made sense of so much since my return, there are still some feelings I am simply unable to express. At least, in words. I seem to cry all the time now and I feel my face turn highlighter yellow when I beam at the thought of attending this conference.

I suppose its always been that way. Like many creatives, I’ve always known there was a deep desire to spend my life doing what I love. There’s a special magic when you hone in on a creative gifting and realize over time that you could make a living sharing your gift with the world. But there are also people in the world who don’t share that same feeling, people who don’t understand your dream. And sometimes, because they don’t understand that fire burning within, they don’t know how to encourage the burn.

I remember Googling “conferences for creative people.” I was desperate for a community that understood me. A community that had walked this path and could speak into the dream. My Google search led me to Creative @ Heart. For just over a year, I was glued to that website and IG page, living vicariously through conference photos and posts. As I prepared to enter 2018, I had only one goal on my list: Attend Creative @ Heart Round 8. I didn’t care where the conference was held. I’d travel to any corner of the US, and was even prepared to travel internationally. I’d watched from the sidelines long enough. I just wanted to be in the room.

When the time rolled around on January 30, 2018, I sat on the couch with my laptop and credit card, prepared to register.

Oh my gosh – did anyone else have a mini panic attack when they saw the confirmation email?

Like, did I really just do this? I feel that way after any large investment. But this wasn’t just because of the investment – this was like an “oh crap, I don’t have anything together for LoveMo.” I Instagram-stalked each and every attendee looking at their number of followers, gorgeous websites and successful business collaborations, second guessing my purchase. I tried to pick my chin up and remind myself that I had 10 months to figure things out, but before I really had time to dissect all the things that I didn’t have together, I celebrated with the one thing I did have together, like registering… because this baby sold out in 3 HOURS!!!

The lead up to the conference was full of excitement, an eager bunch of gals who were very active on the Facebook group, fun webinars full of vital information, questionnaires so we could break some of the ice before we descended upon Bermuda Run. 10 blinks and it was November 11. I was headed to North Carolina, nervous as can be. You’d think all the fun quizzes and Facebook bonding would’ve eased my anxiety just a smidge. Nope.

And then I arrived at Winmock. (sigh) I’m not sure if it was all of the anticipation, all of the marketing, or all of the enthusiasm around this venue that took my breath away when I pulled up to Winmock. It could also be that I’m from California. Southern California, at that. And we don’t drive down the roads and see beautiful farmhouses just hanging out on the corner. We don’t even see ugly farmhouses. It was that charm that only the South has. A charm I’d been dreaming about for months.

When I entered the doors of Winmock, the world stopped spinning. With one sign, C@H silenced all of the years I searched for encouragement and affirmation. With one sign, C@H hugged my heart in such a needed way. With one sign, C@H locked me in to buy basically anything they ever wanted to sell me. I was forever connected because of one sign: “Welcome Home. “

I could sit here and say that that one sign eased all of my nerves and that I suddenly became an extrovert when I proceeded through the venue. That would totally be a lie. I was still nervous. Still apprehensive. Still totally introverted. And still unable to form complete, coherent sentences during the welcome reception. I didn’t know an-y-one. In my head, I was besties with Kat and Emily and I totally babysat Micah on the weekends. But in reality, I was this beautiful mess of feeling so completely out of my comfort zone and so completely at home among these creative strangers.

From the networking reception to the pajama party, from allllll the fun swag (!!!) to the rainy day headshot sessions, from the overly-informative panel group talks to the mind-blowing breakout sessions, and of course the … hmmm, what’s the best word for these? … knock out keynotes (that I still find myself listening to today), I walked away from this conference with two things: puffy eyes from all the crying and vision.

Vision for who I would become and what my business would become as a result of those few days under the Winmock roof. Creative reignited the passion for my creative ventures. It introduced new passions. It aligns people of the same heart and fosters such beautiful collaboration among one another. It thrives on community. And makes each person feel known and loved. Quite simply, it gave my heart that little encouraging pat on the back it needed to keep on going.

Would I recommend this conference to creatives? No. I would REQUIRE it.

What Kat has created from both her own need of community and a need she quickly saw through relationship with others is nothing short of purposed. The Lord knows our every need and places the necessary resources on our path to both fill those needs and draw us back to Him at the same time. This is Creative @ Heart.

Affirmation | Belonging | Community & Collaboration | Discovery | Education

As I wrap up, I have groups I want to address:

1. BIG BIG hugs to these women – whose friendship made such a difference during my conference week. I can’t even begin to express my gratitude for the connection made and for the encouragement shared over those few days. Love you gals to pieces!

Allyson |
Emily |
Beth |
Kristen | Crescent Crown Designs
Manali |
Andrea |
Jessi |
Megan |

2. And to my first time C@H attendees,
You are in for a treat. Check in with your heart. Prepare your mind to be completely overloaded, in the best way possible. Create space to process your thoughts each day. Be intentional in the relationships you form. And be open to all things new. I pray that any nervousness and anxiety would be replaced with overwhelming joy and such great anticipation for the days that lie ahead. You are joining a community – a family! – that is ready to embrace you and the gifts and business that come as a part of that package. And for my introverts – I challenge you to give yourself one word, or one task, that you’re going to live out at Round 9. For me, my word was courage. In stepping into the courage, I learned that everyone there felt just like me. And the same will be true for you.

(sigh) Thank you, Creative @ Heart. Looking forward to returning home this June.
And this year, I’m so ready.

C@H Dream Team:
Kat Schmoyer | @katschmoyer
Matt Schmoyer | @matt.schmoyer
Emily Yost | @emilyinlove_
Mama Kat | @sharonhoustonphotography
Ruth Pitt | @raisetheruthevents
Sterling Dawn | @sterlingdawn
The Herrintons | @tylerherrinton & @ashleyherrinton
Bethanne Arthur | @bethannearthur –> The woman behind the amazing photos!!!


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