God created this little nugget of time this morning and as I sat thinking about all the women moving through their day feeling any sliver of the same overwhelm I’m feeling right now, I just had this little encouragement to share.
Feel free to soak this in for your own day, or share with family and friends who may be carrying more than they can handle right now.
Heavenly Father,
Your daughter is overwhelmed.
My hands are full. My heart is anxious. I can shoulder no more alone.
Help me take heart. Help me to walk in the reminder that You’ve overcome it all. That You’ve gone before me. That NOTHING can stand against the power of my God.
Father, I know that I am safest in your presence. When chaos surrounds me, I am held safe in the palm of Your hand. Your eyes on me at all times. When the weight becomes too significant for me to shoulder, I choose to remember that You are with me. And in that, I can rest.
Lord, grant me the grace to accept my limitations and express my humanity freely. I pray for a faith that trusts and believes in your infinite power and authority. Pour into the empty places in my life until I exchange the overwhelm for Your overflow. Thank you for being such a loving Father and Protector of my heart. I trust you and I will follow as you lead me through whatever is to come today. Amen
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