
#EuroTrip HELP!

I'm Monique!

Seems my 9th grade English teacher was right. That flair for writing she called out decades ago has blossomed into a love of words and an even deeper desire to use those words to connect with hearts. Welcome, my friend. I'm so glad you're here. 

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I’m one week away from a trip I’ve been dreaming of for yeeeeears. FUN FACT: Both of my parents were born outside of the U.S. – My mom is from England . (Btw, I’ll be affectionately referring to my MOM as MUM in any travel related posts because well, yeah, it’s just the British thing to do.)

Almost every single time I mention that Mum is from the UK, I get hit with the question: Have you ever been?

The answer is yes. Twice. But it’s been awhile since my last visit and my growing adult heart has long desired a trip back to see #allthethings, reconnect with the family there, pop over to other nearby countries and really enjoy this experience as an adult who will actually remember it. When I tell you it’s been in the works, FOR—E—VERRR, believe me. As I was going through a bin of old paperwork in my home office, I came across a packet I’d created in 2008 filled with detailed travel plans, accommodations, flight costs, etc.


That trip never happened. And I haven’t been back since 2000.

So yeah. 19 years later, you could say I’m totally ready.

But maaan, this last wind down before we take off has been filled with a growing to-do list, a blank packing list, and totally random spurts of French I’ve been trying to soak up via Duolingo.

Bonjour, je m’appelle Monique. Un café s’il vous plaît —> I have a feeling this is going to be a key phrase for me.

I spend my work days asking all sorts of questions about next week’s big adventure. So. I need help.

I feel like I have the actual England leg of the trip covered. Between family and general knowledge, I’ll have enough resources to get my minimal questions answered. But I thought it might be kinda fun to throw the last 15 travel-related questions that have scrolled across my brain in a post today. Because navigating Paris and Amsterdam this time around is new territory for me.

Super grateful for the answers, travel tips, packing hacks and memorable experience stories you’ll share as I prepare for a few weeks abroad!

Ready for a little looksy inside my noggin? Here we goooo!

  1. What’s the best packing video on YouTube? Like, how am I gonna cram everything into a CARRY-ON?

  2. Are dresses smart to pack if you’re bound to walk a lot?

  3. What are the best shoe options? I’m thinking boot, sneaker, flat combo? But should I do 2 boots and a sneaker? A flat and a sneaker? #OverPackerProbs

  4. Podcasts? Music? Movies? Sleep? Read? What am I realistically going to do on these 10-hour flights?

    (random spurt) Bonsoir, Enchanté

  5. Wonder what the safest way to get from CDG to the hotel is?

  6. To try the snail or not to try the snail? And I think “frites” are fries, right?

  7. How the heck do I determine the best restaurants? Boulangeries (<—- yay for new words that I’ll be saying every day for the next week! a.k.a. bakeries in French)? Cafes? Croissants? Cappuccinos? Where are the “must-dines!?” There are so many options!!!

  8. How many Euros do you think one typically spends per day in Paris?

  9. Where are the best photo ops for the Eiffel Tower?

  10. Will anyone speak English?

  11. Team Boy or Team Girl? <— Sometime during the trip, I’ll be watching a gender reveal live in San Diego!!! What’s your vote?

  12. What should one absolutely see in Amsterdam?

  13. Hmm, wonder if this city is walk-able…?

  14. Is Amsterdam known for any specific food?

  15. I’m imagining windmills, tulips and bikes everywhere. Will I be in for a total reality check?

Stay tuned for the full trip recap to see how many of my mindless thoughts were actually answered!

Thanks, friends!

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